Have you ever stopped to think about just how long 30 meters really is? From iconic landmarks to incredible creatures, there are so many things in the world that measure around 30 meters in length. Join us as we delve into this fascinating topic and explore some of the most impressive and awe-inspiring things that reach this impressive distance. Get ready to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of what can be achieved in just 30 meters. Let’s dive in and discover the world of things that are about 30 meters long.


Commercial airplane runways are typically around 30 meters wide, allowing them to accommodate a wide range of aircraft sizes. Major airports around the world, such as Los Angeles International Airport and London Heathrow Airport, have runways that are close to this measurement. Runways need to be long enough to provide sufficient space for airplanes to take off and land safely, as well as to allow for emergency situations. The 30-meter length of a runway plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of air travel and the safety of passengers and crew.

Blue Whale

When it comes to massive creatures, the blue whale takes the crown as the largest animal on Earth. These majestic marine mammals can reach an average length of about 30 meters, making them a remarkable sight to behold. To put it into perspective, a blue whale is roughly the length of three school buses lined up end to end. Despite their enormous size, blue whales predominantly feed on tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill, consuming up to 4 tons of them per day. The sheer size of these magnificent creatures showcases the incredible diversity and wonder of the natural world.

Tennis Court

A standard tennis court is 78 feet (23.77 meters) long and 27 feet (8.23 meters) wide for singles matches, and 36 feet (10.97 meters) wide for doubles matches. Within the court, there is a service box located 21 feet (6.4 meters) from the net, and the 30-meter mark is crucial for serving. Players must ensure their serves land within the 30-meter range to avoid faults and maximize their chances of winning points. This specific measurement is a critical component of tennis matches, as it dictates the starting point and strategy of gameplay for both singles and doubles competitors.

School Bus

A typical school bus is approximately 30 feet in length, which translates to about 9 meters. School buses play a vital role in transporting students safely to and from school every day. With their iconic yellow color and flashing lights, school buses are easily recognizable on the roads. They are designed to accommodate a large number of students and often include safety features like stop signs, flashing lights, and high visibility to ensure the well-being of passengers. The 30-meter length of a school bus not only provides ample seating for students but also allows for maneuverability on various road types.

VI. Soccer Field

A regulation soccer field, also known as a football pitch, is typically around 100 meters long and 64 meters wide. The length of the field plays a crucial role in the gameplay, as it determines the distance players have to cover during a match. The size of a soccer field can vary slightly depending on the regulations of the league or organization hosting the game. This 30-meter length is equivalent to approximately one-third of the entire soccer field, highlighting the vastness of the pitch and the physical endurance required by players to compete effectively.


Submarines are typically around 30 meters long, making them a crucial asset in underwater exploration and defense. These vessels are designed to withstand the immense pressure of the deep sea while housing advanced technology for navigation and research. Submarines play a vital role in various industries, including naval warfare, scientific research, and underwater resource extraction.

With their unique capabilities, submarines can dive to great depths, providing scientists with valuable insights into the ocean’s mysteries. They also serve as a strategic element in military operations, offering stealth and mobility for offensive and defensive purposes. The 30-meter length of a submarine showcases the engineering marvel required to create a vessel that can operate effectively in the challenging underwater environment.


In conclusion, exploring things that are about 30 meters long has given us a fascinating insight into the variety of objects and structures that fall within this specific measurement. From towering trees and majestic whales to impressive airplanes and massive bridges, the world is filled with objects that span around 30 meters in length. Understanding the scale of these things not only showcases the incredible diversity of nature and human engineering but also highlights the interconnectedness of the world we live in. Whether we are marveling at the sheer size of a blue whale or appreciating the intricacies of a suspension bridge, the things that are about 30 meters long remind us of the vast and wondrous world around us that is waiting to be explored and appreciated.

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